Harvard Macy Institute

In the 20 years since the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation provided seed funding, the Harvard Macy Institute (HMI) has grown from an initial set of two annually offered courses, to five separate course offerings in Boston,...

Macy Faculty Scholar Kelly Karpa on Interprofessional Education

Kelly Karpa, PhD, RPh, of Penn State College of Medicine discusses her new interprofessional program to teach medical and nurse practitioner students about medications.

Teaching to Care for the Chronically Ill: The InterACT Program

In 2010 we challenged ourselves to create a longitudinal-integrated clerkship at an urban tertiary medical center. Incorporating several unique venues at the Icahn School of Medicine such as a student-run free clinic...

Macy Faculty Scholar Jennifer Myers on Graduate Medical Education

Jennifer Myers, MD of the University of Pennsylvania reflects on her two years as a Macy Faculty Scholar. Dr. Myers was part of our inaugural 2011 Class.

Macy Faculty Scholar Lauren Meade on Hospital Discharge Training

Lauren Meade, MD, of Tufts University Medical School discusses her new interprofessional course focused on care transitions.

Months of Connecting: What I Have Learned

Barbara Brandt, PhD, Director, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education shares what she has learned over the past 15 months.

Stewardship of Health Care Resources Through Medical Education and Training

Daniel Wolfson and Leslie Tucker from the ABIM Foundation share highlights from a recent convening co-hosted with the Macy Foundation on “Advancing the Competency of Stewarding Healthcare Resources in Medical...