We invest in educational projects that improve health by advancing the education and training of future health professionals.

We award President’s Grants and Board Grants. Both types of grants focus on the foundation’s three priorities.

Detailed information about grant opportunities, open requests for applications, instructions, and answers to frequently asked questions about our grant programs follow.

Board Grants

  • Board Grants are awarded through a competitive call for proposals by the Macy Foundation. Please note, the Macy Foundation does not accept unsolicited Board Grant applications.

  • The Macy Foundation generally issues Requests for Applications annually in January and awards Board Grants in the Summer/Fall. Please sign up for our mailing list to stay abreast of announcements of grant opportunities.

  • Board Grants are generally one to three years in duration. Application components, budget amounts, and award lengths are specific to each active RFA. Please review the links to the active RFAs for more information about their specific requirements.

President’s Grants

  • President’s Grants are accepted and awarded on a rolling basis. They are evaluated by an internal team and awarded at the discretion of our president. President’s Grants primarily align with our priority areas.

  • President’s Grants are one year or less in duration, and awarded amounts are no more than $25,000, which includes indirect costs of not more than 10%.
How to Apply for a President’s Grant: 

Complete an Application

All applications must include:

  • A short cover letter on institutional letterhead signed by the principal investigator(s), which provides a statement of the problem, the project, and its importance to your institution and to health professions education
  • Macy Priority Area (check one or more):
    • Promoting diversity, equity, and belonging
    • Increasing collaboration among future health professionals, with an emphasis on developing exemplar teams
    • Preparing future health professionals to navigate ethical dilemmas
  • Names and qualifications and contact information of those who would carry out the project
  • Organizational information
  • Brief description of the project goals and design
  • Description of expected accomplishments, outcomes, and measurement/evaluation strategies
  • Estimated total budget request and sources of co-funding, if relevant
  • Up to two supporting documents, if relevant
  • Grant checklist

All applications must be completed and submitted online. You may return to your online application as often as you like prior to submitting it. Once you have submitted your application online, it cannot be reopened.

Preview the application for a President’s Grant prior to registering for an account.

Within two months of submission, you will receive a request for more information or a decision about your proposal.

If you have any questions about this process, feel free to contact us via email at: [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

What organizations does Macy support?

Grants are made only to tax-exempt institutions or agencies—no grants are made directly to individuals. We do not consider requests for general support, endowments, equipment, construction or renovation projects, capital campaigns or activities conducted outside the United States and its territories.

What projects does Macy support?

We support projects that:

  • Align with our priority areas.
  • Directly engage learners.
  • Demonstrate impact beyond local benefit.
  • Generally are demonstration and evaluation projects (not formal research).
  • Preferably are focused on the clinical learning environment.

What are the parameters that Macy uses to evaluate grants?

Grant applications are evaluated on these key dimensions:

  • Relevance to Macy’s three priority areas.
  • Significance and timeliness.
  • Generalizability, scalability, and potential for spread.
  • Sustainability after period of project support ends.
  • Evidence of co-creation with learners (preferred).
  • Focus on the clinical learning environment (preferred).

Which health professions learners are of interest to Macy?

We are interested in projects that focus on medical students, medical residents, undergraduate nursing students, and/or graduate nursing students, as well as learners in other health professions.

What settings are of interest to Macy?

We are interested in projects that focus on the clinical learning environment.

Grant Record Access

To access your grant record, please follow this link. In addition, as a grantee, you are required to submit Narrative and Financial Reports throughout the life of your grant online.

Reporting Guidelines

Please see below for the reporting guidelines that apply to your grant.

Learn more about Our Grantees