Happy National Nurses Week

As National Nurses Week kicks off, we want to thank all of today’s nurses and our future nurses—those currently undertaking their education and training.

Preparing Health Care Professionals for Population-based Care

Tyler Reimschisel, MD, MHPE, of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, on preparing health professions students to deliver comprehensive, team-based care to patient panels in which all patients in the panel have...

Leveraging Technology Toward the Pursuit of Excellence

In 2015, the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation convened the conference, “Enhancing Health Professions Education through Technology.’’ In the intervening two years, much has changed in health professions education and in the...

Building the Next Generation Care Team

Temple Ratcliffe, MD, FACP, of University of Texas Long School of Medicine at San Antonio, discusses the ingredients for fostering collaborative care and education.

RNs and the Future of Primary Care: One Student’s Reflections

Andrew Harmon, nursing student at Thomas Jefferson University, on preparing registered nurses for enhanced roles in primary care

Health Professions Education to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine

Together with four medical schools and their partner health professional schools, the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM) is developing a new curriculum to educate health professionals about ways to...

Health Profession Schools Need To Better Prepare Students for Mobile & Connected Health Technologies

Jing Wang, PhD, MPH, MSN, RN, of University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Nursing, discusses the current state of mobile and connected health technologies and its impact on health professions...