Benjamin Kinnear

MD, MEd University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Benjamin Kinnear is an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics in the Divisions of Hospital Medicine at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. He is Associate Program Director for both the Med-Peds and Internal Medicine residency programs, helping to lead competency-based assessment programs, the Medical Education Pathway for residents, and quality improvement curricula.  He has been a leader in implementing and building validity evidence for the entrustment-based program of assessment of the Internal Medicine residency program. 

As a Macy Faculty Scholar, Dr. Kinnear will pilot competency-based time-variable training at the University of Cincinnati Internal Medicine residency program, using a robust program of assessment to determine readiness for progression rather than time-based markers. He will study feasibility, sustainability, and how time-variable training affects learners, assessors, and members of the clinical competency committee.

Eric J. Warm, MD, FACP, the Sue P. and Richard W. Vilter Professor of Internal Medicine and Program Director of the Internal Medicine residency program at University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, serves as Dr. Kinnear's mentor.

More from Benjamin Kinnear


Humans are not bread: Why Medical Education Should be Competency-Based and Time-Variable

2020 Macy Faculty Scholar, Benjamin Kinnear, MD, MED, explains the challenges and benefits of competency-based time-variable training models and how they fit into the medical education system.